Shannon Kam


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Engineering at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2023.

Interests: Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Cybersecurity


No More Ramen 2022

A website that allows students to find recipes and vendors to advertise their ingredients.

JavaScript Bootstrap React Meteor

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Cat Empire 2021

A lab that covered everything we learned involving pointers, binary search trees, and tree traversal.

Object Oriented Programming C++

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Client-Server 2021

A lab that introduced me to clients and servers.

Object Oriented Programming C++

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UH Drone Technologies 2019-2021

A design project that focuses on researching and developing drone technologies.

Team Management Docker Python

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The Final Countdown

08 May 2023

As I approach the final week of my college journey, I’d like to reflect on one of the most challenging, yet rewarding, classes I’ve ever taken. Course Overview Software Engineering II was a course that focused on working with a...

Software Engineering Web Development Meteor Bootstrap React

Back to Basics

14 Dec 2022

Software Engineering Fundamentals It has been about three years since I’ve started my computer engineering journey and two years since I took my first programming class. This past semester, I took a software engineering course that renewed my love for...

Software Engineering Learning Coding Standards Agile Project Management Design Patterns

Haven't I Seen You Somewhere Before?

01 Dec 2022

Déjà Vu As you continue doing coding problems and projects, you’ll start to notice recurring techniques that you use. The issues covered may not be related in any way, but the code you implement tends to look similar in structure....

Software Engineering Design Patterns Meteor

Web Design is My Passion

06 Oct 2022

What is a UI Framework? UI frameworks help to build multi-device applications without requiring the user to have immense technical knowledge. Using these frameworks save developers from having to build apps completely from scratch. They contain pre-built components that help...

Software Engineering Learning UI Frameworks Bootstrap 5

Errors, Errors Everywhere

22 Sep 2022

Keep it Clean To some, coding standards are nothing more than an inconvenience. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Though it’s true that the output would be the same, these programmers vastly overlook the importance of clean, consistent code....

Software Engineering Learning Coding Standards ESLint

Smart Question, Smarter Engineer

08 Sep 2022

Importance of Asking Questions Nobody knows everything, but everybody knows something. For this reason, it is important for software engineers to be able to ask questions effectively. Communication is one of the most important skills to develop. To ask a...

Software Engineering Learning